Anna Elisa Lan­drisci­na grad­u­at­ed in Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness Law at the Boc­coni Uni­ver­si­ty of Milan (bachelor’s degree in 2007) and at the Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty of Milan (master’s degree in 2009).

She was admit­ted to the Asso­ci­a­tion of Char­tered Accoun­tants of Milan and to the Reg­is­ter of Audi­tors in 2013.

She obtained a mas­ter’s degree in Inter­na­tion­al Tax Law at the IPSOA Train­ing School in Milan in 2018.

She joined Fac­chi­ni Rossi Michelut­ti in 2021. Pre­vi­ous­ly, she worked with lead­ing Ital­ian tax law firms for ten years.

She pro­vides tax assis­tance to indus­tri­al and finan­cial cor­po­rate groups.  Her areas of exper­tise include cor­po­rate tax­a­tion, group tax­a­tion, M&A and reor­gan­i­sa­tion trans­ac­tions and inter­na­tion­al tax­a­tion.

She par­tic­i­pat­ed as speak­er in con­fer­ences and sem­i­nars.



Ital­ian, Eng­lish