Vin­cen­zo Maiese grad­u­at­ed with full marks in Law at the Luiss Gui­do Car­li Uni­ver­si­ty in Rome in 2002.

He obtained a Mas­ter in tax law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna in 2003 and attend­ed a post-grad­u­ate course in IAS/IFRS and busi­ness tax­a­tion held by Il Sole24 Ore – Busi­ness School in 2010.

He was admit­ted to the Ital­ian Bar in 2008.

He joined Fac­chi­ni Rossi e Soci in 2015. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he worked in the tax depart­ments of lead­ing firms for about eleven years.

He pro­vides tax assis­tance to domes­tic and for­eign cor­po­rate groups, banks and pri­vate equi­ty funds. His areas of exper­tise include: M&A and reor­gan­i­sa­tion, inter­na­tion­al tax­a­tion, finan­cial tax­a­tion, tax plan­ning for high net-worth indi­vid­u­als, assis­tance in pre-lit­i­ga­tion pro­ce­dures and tax lit­i­ga­tion.

He is author of var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions on tax law mat­ters.



Ital­ian, Eng­lish, French